Monday 4 November 2013

Heated floor no more

Day 205

A couple of months ago, Bobby bought a heating pad to help keep Chaos warm this winter. Chaos is a skinny ass. Seriously. I have tried so many ways to fatten her up (feeding her yummy cat treats, graham cracks, Vector cereal, etc) and she will not gain weight. It's alarming how thin she is able to keep herself. (She's half the size of Kiwi and half the size of when she was pregnant) However, she seems healthy enough... so I just leave her be... However, the problem is that when the temperature drops, Chaos gets REALLY cold from lack of body fat (the temperature dropping doesn't affect Fat Kiwi in any way) and she gets sleepy/sluggish and she appears like she is trying to hibernate, which she should never do because she would never survive :( This has happened a few times but she manages to wake up once I warm her up.. but its always such a stressful event.. so this year, Bobby bought a heating pad to put underneath Chaos' tiny hut. The heating pad worked. Kiwi especially likes it for whatever reason because she started sleeping ONLY in Chaos' hut (which therefore defeated the heating pads purpose... but I digress...). Anyway, so Kiwi started to monopolize the tiny hut... If only this story ended here... Alas it does not. So after a while, Kiwi started getting teeny tiny cuts between her upper arms (legs? damn quadrupedal animals always confusing me with their anatomical features). At first I thought Chaos was biting her, but it just didn't make any sense because the cuts were very superficial and because the cuts were in a place where it would have been near impossible for Chaos to attack without Kiwi balling up and protecting herself... Also, after one cut would heal, another would be fresh... And lets face it, Chaos is not a biter. Chaos has never ever once bitten me (Kiwi is another story, she's bitten me MANY MANY times! She is a naughty hedgie!!!) So what the heck was going on with my Kiwi-Keys?! Then it dawned on me: it looked like she was suffering from dermatitis (thanks Google!). I wasn't sure why though.. Until yesterday! I figured Kiwi's skin was drying from sleeping on the heating pad!!! LIGHT BULB!! I unplugged the heating pad.. and it looks like my Kiwi's skin is finally healing. All of her cuts are healing and no new fresh ones! YAY!

All better again!
I'm starting to think I should've gone to veterinary school! Remember this story:

In other totally unrelated news: The Starbucks red cups are back! Which means: yay holiday drinks!

One tall, no whip, peppermint mocha for yours truly!

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