Monday 8 December 2014

Blogmas Day 8 - Jenn-isms

Ugh... so, I realized that I just made the most idiotic mistake ever.

After getting stuck in ridiculous traffic during my morning drive to work in November, I decided to de-stress and take the train to work instead. The train is the fastest way to get from suburbia to downtown Vancouver (30 minutes from Coquitlam to Waterfront)... I used to take the train a lot when I lived in Coquitlam, pre-living in downtown.. and it had some issues. Sometimes the train would be VERY late due to engine problems, which in turn meant that you would be very late for work as well. So I hesitated in relying on the train. In the summer, traffic was pretty non-existent, but I guess as the weather gets colder/wetter, more people are opting to drive to work. Anyway, so I decided to do a trial "take the train to work" run for December and January, and if it's pretty reliable, then I would ditch driving to work altogether (unless I had to be at work early, or if I planned on doing something after work)... /useless rant that no one wants to hear about anyway.

So anyway, last Monday, after my lovely 4 day weekend/vacation... I got the to train station early and bought a weekly train ticket and what I thought was a daily parking ticket. I wasn't sure if I wanted to drive to the station everyday, or just take the 80 seat limousine (aka, the bus) to the station... everyday, I would wake up, decide to drive, so I would buy a daily parking ticket.. until Thursday, when I decided to just go all out and by the weekly one. Well, it turns out that I actually bought a weekly parking ticket on MONDAY, so I paid for parking TWICE Tuesday-Friday... and I didn't realize until this morning when I emptied my wallet of the numerous daily parking tickets.. only then did I realize that the first ticket was a weekly ticket :(

First weekly parking ticket purchased...
Then two dailies...
Second weekly parking pass bought!!
So... 8 day parking which should've cost 24$ ended up costing 36$!! Oh well.. Blame it on coming back from a 4 day weekend I guess :(

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